Friday, May 18, 2007

Did you know?

...That the Blessed Virgin Mary has about 333 titles? Some of them are:

Cause of our joy,

Eve's Tears Redeeming,

Never Fading Wood,

Mediatrix and Conciliatrix,

Mediatrix of the Mediator,

My Soul's Saving,

Neck of the Mystical Body,

and More Gracious Than Grace,

All the same, she would still be Our loving Mother.


Lily said...

Never Fading Wood, that is my blog name, in honor of the Blessed Mother. Any idea where it comes from? That is a genuine question as I have no idea why she has that title.

Akalei said...

Lily~ Hm, I really don't know where it comes from! The name just seemed beautiful to me, so I included it in this post. This title just gave me the thought that Our Mother never abandons her children...or something like that. Never leaving us, never stop praying for us....I'm not so sure about the wood part though! Maybe because wood is often used and is very helpful? I really don't know.
Here's the link to where I found all those titles of the Blessed Mother:

God bless you!!!
Charity Therese

PS~ Thank you for stopping by my blog! :-)