"The Lord surrounded me always with love" -St. ThereseNovena I-
O Eternal Father, in heaven You crown the merits of those who in this life serve You faithfully. For the sake of the most pure love Your little daughter, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, had for you - love which binds You to give her whatever she desires - listen to the petitions which she offers up to You in my behalf, and hear my prayers by granting me the grace I ask.
(Optional: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.)
O little St. Therese of the Child Jesus, who during your short life on earth became a mirror of angelic purity, of love strong as death, and of wholehearted abandonment to God, now that you rejoice in the reward of your virtues, cast a glance of pity on me as I leave all things in your hands.
Make my troubles your own - speak a word for me to our Lady Immaculate, whose flower of special love you were - to that Queen of heaven who smiled on you at the dawn of life." Beg her as the Queen of the heart of Jesus to obtain for me by her powerful intercession, the grace I yearn for so ardently at this moment, and that she join with it a blessing that may strengthen me during life. Defend me at the hour of death, and lead me straight on to a happy eternity. Amen.
Novena II-
O Heavenly Father, Who has bestowed upon us so many benefits through the intercession of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, and willest that we should honor this lovable saint with a special devotion, we earnestly implore Thee of Thy fatherly loving-kindness the grace to be ever faithful in veneration her, invoking her and imitating her virtues.
It is good for us to pay honor to the Saints. Thou has placed these blessed Saints as powerful mediators between ourselves and Thee, that so Thou mayest bestow upon us more ready and more abundant aids. That which our prayer cannot obtain, theirs will obtain for us.
Thou hast willed that the Saints should be our models. They were once what we are; we can with Thy grace become what they are, what they have done, we can do in our turn. Father, give us a true and lasting devotion towards Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, a devotion well ordered and constant, a devotion that will sanctify us and lead us to Thee to Whom all the homage we pay to the Saints returns.
Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, placed by the Church upon our altars to be out protectress with God and model in Christian life, obtain for us, we ask of you, ever to have you in honor, to venerate you, to invoke you, to imitate you for the greater glory of God and the greater good of our souls. Obtain for us the favors we crave and implore through your powerful intercession. Amen.
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