Thursday, January 15, 2009

"He need have no fear of error in believing that God is calling him to contemplation, regardless of what sort of person he is now or has been in the past. It is not what you are nor what you have been that God sees with his all-merciful eyes, but what you desire to be." ~Anonymous

Prayer to St. Paul the Apostle

St. Paul, you traveled the world, never quite knowing where the Spirit would lead you next. You journeyed in faith and accept beatings, imprisonment, shipwreck, and ultimately execution because of your faith in Jesus Christ.

Help me to accept the great adventure of leading a life faithful to the words of Jesus my Master, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. May I ask myself, "Where does God want me to go today?" On the journey, may I love in the way you taught the Corinthian (1Cor.13), and be willing to endure all things for the sake of the Gospel.

Pray with me, that I may heed the voice of the One who called you on the road to Damascus, and set you on the path that leads to life. Amen

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