Thursday, September 4, 2008

Old meme

Got tagged by Cy and Mom! Thanks! :-D

What picture would I use for my holy card, should I make it to sainthood, and of what cause(s) would I want to be patron(ess) of?

Sorry that I wasn't able to post this earlier... I couldn't find the right picture. :-P (usually I'm the one behind the camera) Haha... actually I was going to post one holding up a camera trying to take a picture of the one who was taking a picture of me, but it turned out that she took the picture first... :-) Then there were a couple of ones of me holding up plates with smiley faces in front of my face... ;-) Anyway, I found a really old one after we moved...

Mom said it was okay because I said that I don't think look like that anymore... (do I?) :-D I picked this one because all holy card pics are old and look old, right? jk :-P :-) I think this one was taken when I was about five or six years old...

Should I make it to sainthood? Um, should I? ;-) I dunno, I was kind of looking forward to writing someone else's saint story who I know! :-) Wouldn't that be fun to do? I'd rather write someone else's story...

Patroness... photographers! The people who are behind the cameras! :-D And maybe young people... Oh! and young vocations too! I found out that there are only about two who are patrons of it! ...But that's not up to me. :-) (updated) But if I could possibly choose, I'd really like to be the patroness of "unknown saints". It's kind of odd, but I've read a lot of saint stories who have stories just good as all those other famous saints. But not just those unknown saints too! I think it would include all those other people living in the present world who are kind of like "unknown saints" helping little by little in little ways to others in secret... Who knows? :-) Maybe there's an unknown saint in your life too! :-D I know plenty of them! Or... (would be my other choice) How about those who are trying to imitate the saints? :-)

I tag whoever would like to play along! :-)


Pueo said...

such a cute picture!!!
photographer sounds perfect! hehehe!

I guess I should start looking for my picture...and think about the rest....

EC Gefroh said...

You are so adorable!!

Akalei said...

Oh... Um, O-okay...:-)

Anonymous said...

I'm from south Brasil, see you in gogle searching Angelorum, beautifful space. Excuse me i dont now right English very weel. Your site is wonderfull. I don't have word to explein that i think, ou what was in my mind.
God see you.

Pueo said...

Wow CT! /\

Micki said...

You are just too cute. I bet you still look like that too, only older! Does that make sense? You know what I mean.
I love the idea of your being the patroness of photographers. You do need a photo of your with a camera in hand.

Akalei said...

Thank you everyone for visiting and commenting...

Ms. Micki, hehe, thanks! I think I'll post one of those pics with the camera in my hand sometime! :-)